Sunday Bible Study (Children’s Bible Fellowship or CBF)  each Sunday Morning at 9am


Woodcrest Babies

Our baby nursery is provided for every service including our Sunday Bible study time. Please sign your child in and out using the notebook provided in the Nursery Welcome area. Your baby will be cared for by our experienced nursery volunteers.


Woodcrest Toddlers

Our toddler nursery is provided for every service including our Sunday Bible study time. Please sign your child in and out using the notebook provided in the Nursery Welcome area. Your toddler will be cared for by our experienced nursery volunteers.


Preschool Age

Our preschoolers leave the toddler nursery at age 2 ½ and enter our preschool class. Experienced and dedicated leaders teach God’s Word with age appropriate materials, flannel graphs, crafts, Bible stories and songs. Your child will learn about Jesus and have fun all at the same time.  Please sign your preschooler in and out using the notebook provided at the door of the preschool classroom. Your preschooler will be cared for by our dedicated preschool volunteers.


Lower Elementary

Our lower elementary age group includes kindergarten through 2nd grade. These younger children use Randall House curriculum targeted for their age. Lessons are presented in a way that the children can understand the message of God’s Word as they learn Bible stories and participate in Bible activities and games. This age group meets in the east wing of the education building. Volunteers are stationed there to greet the children and their parents each week.


Upper Elementary

Our upper elementary age group includes 3rd grade through 5th grade. These older children are challenged in Bible memory, Bible games, sword drill, the books of the Bible and Bible stories. This age group uses Randall House curriculum and other resources to explore Bible truth and expand their Bible knowledge. Experienced and dedicated volunteers lead the children to a fuller knowledge of who Jesus is and why Jesus came.  This age group meets in the east wing of the education building. Volunteers are stationed there to greet the children and their parents each week.