WC Kids – Leaders
Pastor Roger Ballard – Children’s Director
Pastor Roger Ballard leads an active team of volunteers who are dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with children. Pastor Roger began his ministry doing Children’s ministry and understands how important they are to Jesus. During their early years children are able to learn so much and their hearts are open to the gospel and faith in God. No wonder Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)
Debra Watson – Children’s Assistant
Debra Watson has many years of experience in Children’s Ministry. She helps coordinate and organize volunteers from our baby nursery up through the 5th grade elementary age classes. Debra loves children and has dedicated her life to bringing children to Jesus. Debra serves as Assistant Awana Commander and also assists in planning all children’s activities. She also leads our Kids Church on Sunday mornings and teaches in our Kids Bible Fellowship.