May 7, 2017
Jesus Went to Church
People go to church for different reasons.  What would be different if Jesus walked in this morning? We need to wake up and know that Jesus IS here, looking at our hearts, longing to meet our needs.
  • May 7, 2017Jesus Went to Church
    May 7, 2017
    Jesus Went to Church
    People go to church for different reasons.  What would be different if Jesus walked in this morning? We need to wake up and know that Jesus IS here, looking at our hearts, longing to meet our needs.
  • Apr 30, 2017Rick Haskins – guest speaker
    Apr 30, 2017
    Rick Haskins – guest speaker
    Our attitude affects our gratitude. We all go thru "stuff" and people are watching how we deal with adversity.  "In all things give thanks..."  1 Thess. 5:18
  • Apr 23, 2017The Original Sin
    Apr 23, 2017
    The Original Sin
    Pride has many faces and isolates us from God by exalting self and not Him.  Instead of God receiving the glory for our lives, we seek praise and glory for ourselves.  Don't try to change or manipulate God's plan for your life.  Our sole goal should be to be the best right where God has placed us.
  • Apr 16, 2017Jesus Is the Son of Man
    Apr 16, 2017
    Jesus Is the Son of Man
    Series: "Jesus Is"
    Jesus Christ, the Son of Man has conquered sin, death and the grave by the cross and resurrection.  Jesus has triumphed - He is risen!!
  • Apr 9, 2017Jesus Is The Suffering Servant
    Apr 9, 2017
    Jesus Is The Suffering Servant
    Series: "Jesus Is"
    You and I should be very interested in the suffering of Jesus on the cross.  His suffering and death gives us the opportunity to come to God in confession and repentance, thus receiving forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
  • Apr 2, 2017Jesus Is Our Great High Priest
    Apr 2, 2017
    Jesus Is Our Great High Priest
    Series: "Jesus Is"
    Jesus is Holy, blameless and pure; perfect in every way, meeting our every need! Will you come to the throne of grace and receive the scepter of acceptance, grace and mercy from Jesus, our Great High Priest?
  • Mar 26, 2017Jesus Is The King
    Mar 26, 2017
    Jesus Is The King
    Series: "Jesus Is"
    Sadly in our culture Jesus has become common and we have become "exceptional".  That is upside down.  Let us be reminded that Jesus IS the preeminent King! 
  • Mar 19, 2017Jesus Is The True Prophet
    Mar 19, 2017
    Jesus Is The True Prophet
    Series: "Jesus Is"
    We all need spiritual understanding.  Jesus, God's "final prophet" came so that we can have understanding and walk in the light of God's truth rather than in ignorance and unbelief.
  • Mar 12, 2017Jesus Is The Seed
    Mar 12, 2017
    Jesus Is The Seed
    Series: "Jesus Is"
    Has Satan ever tempted you to exchange the truth of God for a lie?  God has not  withheld anything good from you!  He gave His only Son as a sacrifice for your sins. Jesus is the promised "seed of the woman" who will crush the head of Satan.
  • Mar 5, 2017Rick Haskins – “Ask! What Shall I Give You?”
    Mar 5, 2017
    Rick Haskins – “Ask! What Shall I Give You?”
    Ask! What Shall I Give You?   1 Kings 3
    What you want can be a very good indication of where your heart is.  Take what you want to God and wait for Him to give you what you need.